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When reporter Guin Jones’s ex suddenly shows up on Sanibel, she knows there’s something fishy going on

It’s been nine months since Guin moved from cold, gray New England to warm, sunny Sanibel—and she’s never been happier. She has a great new job, working for the local paper; a great new beau, a sexy marine biologist; and a great little apartment, just minutes from the beach. Even her two cats love it on Sanibel. Everything has been going great for Guin (except maybe finding that dead body, but she found the killer and turned it into a killer story)… until her ex-husband, Art, shows up.

Within 24 hours of his arrival for a fishing trip and sales conference, Art becomes the prime suspect in the disappearance of his rival. And it’s going to take all of Guin’s wits to keep him out of jail—and out of her bedroom. Can she do it?

The second book in the Sanibel Island Mystery series, Something Fishy once again features intrepid reporter Guinivere Jones; her sometime nemesis, Detective William O’Loughlin; her best friend, Shelly; her marine biologist beau, Dr. Harrison “Harry Heartthrob” Hartwick; and her two loyal feline companions, Flora and Fauna—along with several new characters sure to delight.


Love this author and this series is wonderful. All the books are excellent and the characters are exceptional. Author describes things that the reader can picture and visualize everything. Love these books. I'm reading the last one in the series now and will pace myself since I don't want to finish it too quickly.

VENICE- Amazon Reader

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